Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Last week of freedom!

    Quick up date… Hey guys, we have one more week of freedom before school starts back up. By Gods amazing power Aaron is set to start at Tarleton next week. There is no way we explain how quicly this process took place, we know it was all God. I will be starting at UTA, my…

  • Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year…

    I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed time with family and friends for Christmas. Aaron and I are pleased to announce a new family member was born on October 13, and we have another sweet nephew to spoil. Mark David Jacobs was 10lb 3oz and 22in long. He is Emily’s brother’s son and we…

  • Back up and running…

    After a few months down, we are back up and running. I don’t have long to update. Nothing much has changed except Aaron got ACCEPTED TO TARLETON!!! we were so excited and went to celebrate the night it happened. We are still both on track and in school. We are very thankful for everything God…

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